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Seasonal Update

Seasonal Update


As the weather continues to get colder we encourage all parents to see their children are dressed appropriately for the weather. All children continue to go outdoors for Recess and Physical Education. Please label all coats, hats, mittens and gloves.

Flu shot time is upon us, many physicians are now giving flu shots to children.

Hand washing is the proven best way to prevent the spread of disease. Remind your children to wash their hands and cover those coughs and sneezes.

For the parents of students competing in Interscholastic sports-Please have your child promptly report injuries that happen during sports to their coach and school nurse.

Please keep the emergency blue cards updated with phone numbers of emergency contact people; this includes if you will be away and someone is watching your child. Your child will only be released to the people who are on the emergency blue card.

If there are changes in your family circumstances during the school year please up date the school nurse so that we may be responsive to your child’s changing concerns and needs.


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