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Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

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The Mount Sinai School District will be an exemplary learning community, where students become lifelong learners ready to thrive as responsible, productive, and engaged citizens in a global society. Each school will offer a safe, robust learning environment with rigorous academic programs, extracurricular activities, and diverse educational and vocational pathways, helping students identify their strengths and passions and develop essential life skills. Our students are the community's most valuable asset.



The mission of the Mount Sinai School District is to provide all students with an excellent academic environment that ensures all learners reach their highest potential. Our learning community will nurture curiosity, problem-solving strategies, critical thinking and social-emotional skills.  Each learner will be engaged in acquiring life skills and knowledge, developing strong work habits and a healthy lifestyle, becoming independent and collaborative thinkers, gaining an appreciation of the arts, and achieving proficiency in technology. Teachers will collaborate and engage in professional development to meet the challenges of an evolving academic environment while preparing students for post-secondary ambitions. Families will be active participants in the education of our students. We will promote an inclusive culture of acceptance, respect, and integrity, guiding students to become lifelong learners.



M otivating students to reach their highest potential
O ffering robust learning environments and varied curricula
U pholding a culture of respect, trust, and professionalism
N urturing curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
T hriving as lifelong learners in the global community

S triving for excellence in teaching and learning
I  nvesting in collaboration with families and the community
N avigating evolving academic environments and standards
A ccommodating all learning needs with differentiated instruction
I  ntegrating arts appreciation, technology proficiency and social-emotional skills